After a few months of sketching, designing, and communicating with manufacturers, to fund a new set of enamel pins! I’ve been wanting to create some pins for a while, and decided to take the plunge with some flaming dinosaur skull designs I’ve been working on. The initial set consists of dinosaurs of Cretaceous North America: Deinonychus, Torosaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Gorgosaurus. I chose these because I wanted some distinctly dinosaurian forms and I wanted them to be appealing to a general audience. So, even if some of the taxa aren’t the most popular of all, they’re recognizable enough to most people. Here’s a preview of what the pins will look like mounted on their cards, as well as a mockup of the final physical product, which will measure 1.5in/ 38mm wide.
Packaging mockups for the flaming dinosaur skulls enamel pin set
Mockup of a soft enamel pin – the color is recessed in this process.
, and as I write, the campaign has passed the halfway funded mark. That’s an optimistic sign on the fourth day of being live, I’m letting myself admit. If I can meet my funding goal, I’ll be announcing two stretch goals to add to the set, with backers getting the chance to vote on which designs are chosen!
I’ve chosen a funding goal to produce 200 of each design. If I can reach that goal, I’ll fulfill backer pledges and then make these available in a new on-line shop I’m creating, as well as through Studio 252MYA. Thanks for taking a look, all shares and pledges are very much appreciated!
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