Desmatosuchus by FinwalSMD

This Mesozoic Month: July 2019

This Mesozoic Month

July was our fifth and final month of collecting data in the 2019 Survey of Paleoartists. Now comes the “fun” part – crunching the numbers! Since this is an entirely volunteer effort, no promises on timeline other than that I hope to have the report ready for your eyes by the end of the year. I’ll also remind you that LITC is on Patreon! I’m thankful for the support we receive, which currently pays for our web hosting fees and makes projects like the survey easier to take on. If you like what we’ve been doing here, we’re always looking for new patrons and always appreciate social shares!

In the News

Around the Dinoblogosphere

Dispatches from Himmapaanland

In a month that found Natee sharing a moon-jumping cow, a sword-wielding mongoose, and a delightfully flatulent podgy deer, they also served up some fine feathery goodness for an adoring audience.

The LITC AV Club

Vespersaurus in action

Paleoart on Common Descent

Gabriel Ugueto paid a visit to the Common Descent podcast, where he provided a great overview of the practice of paleoart.

Crowdfunding Spotlight

Extreme Luis Rey

Forgoing traditional publishing, Luis Rey is creating a sequel to his 2000 book Extreme Dinosaurs and doing it himself. He’s launched a Kickstarter to raise the funds. “You may like it or hate it but will never leave you indifferent.” Pledge here.

Regina Mundi by David Krentz

He’s utterly obliterated his original funding goal, but if you haven’t seen legendary paleoart sculptor David Krentz’s Kickstarter campaign to fund his new T. rex piece, head over and check it out!

The Empty Wallets Club

  • Illustration of robed woman with leashed velociraptor by Natee Himmapaan.

    Natee has made another of their wonderful “fancy ladies with Mesozoic dinosaurs” pieces available for sale, available as prints, stationery, and device cases. Get it here!

  • Allosaurus magnifier pendant with jaw that opens to reveal the lens. By Tcustom shop on Etsy.

    I’ve featured Chris Taylor’s wonderful pieces here before, and here’s another I couldn’t resist featuring: an Allosaurus skull pendant with an enclosed magnifying lens. Pick one up for yourself here!

Your Moment of Paleoart Zen

DeviantArt user Sergey, AKA Finwal, has a lot of impressive stuff in his paleoart galleries, and I especially love this gloomy piece featuring the aetosaur Desmatosuchus.

Desmatosuchus by FinwalSMD

Desmatosuchus illustration © Finwal, shared here with the artist’s permission.

Check out more of Finwal’s work at DeviantArt!

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  • Reply
    Radek Kohoutek
    August 1, 2019 at 9:27 am

    Hi guys check out new dinosaur video game called Path of Titans. They are raising money for the development. Thx

  • Reply
    Fossil Friday Roundup: August 9, 2019 - The Official PLOS Blog
    May 18, 2020 at 1:16 pm

    […] This Mesozoic Month: July 2019 (LITC) […]

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