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Ellis Owen

Vintage Dinosaur Art: Prehistoric Animals (Octopus) – Part 3

Vintage Dinosaur Art

By the popular demand of at least a couple of people, let’s have one last look at Prehistoric Animals (see parts one and two for dinosaurs and mostly Palaeozoic non-dinosaurs, respectively). It’s the mammals’ turn! Granted, there are an awful lot of models of fish in here too, which is quite remarkable for a book like this; but they’re fish. Sorry, fish fans. On with those smelly mammals, then. Most of the models in the Cenozoic section of the book…

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Vintage Dinosaur Art: Prehistoric Animals (Octopus) – Part 2

Vintage Dinosaur Art

In my first post on this book, I exclusively looked at model dinosaurs, most of which were created by Arthur Hayward. (This is Vintage Dinosaur Art, after all.) However, ignoring the many, many models of other prehistoric animals would be doing the book a great disservice, especially because – surprise – Hayward sculpted rather a lot of them too. He even turned his hand to the odd giant ocean-going arthropod, as shown below… Yes, it’s Pterygotus, a “particularly cruel-looking” (in…

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Triceratops by Arthur Hayward

Vintage Dinosaur Art: Prehistoric Animals (Octopus) – Part 1

Vintage Dinosaur Art

I’m really not sure how this one managed to evade my attention for so long, but here it is, finally – Prehistoric Animals: The Extraordinary Story of Life before Man, written by Ellis Owen and published by Octopus in 1975. It’s unusual in that the palaeoart within it consists almost entirely of photographs of models, many of them created by the renowned Arthur Hayward, who worked not only for the Natural History Museum in London (then the British Museum (Natural…

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