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Dino Dubbelgangers at Natuurmuseum Fryslân


As the train rushes trough the flat landscape, as the towns and villages become fewer and farther between and as the forests of the Veluwe give way to the lakes and fields of the North, I feel strengthened. I’ve lived centrally in the Netherlands for years, but my inner compass still points due North. It’s always worth coming out all this way. There’s always some dinosaur exhibition going on somewhere. Three years ago, it was Denekamp; last year, it was…

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Vintage Dinosaur Art: Záhada Dinosaurů – Part 1

Vintage Dinosaur Art

Today’s book has gotten some attention recently on some of the palaeoart-centered Facebook groups we frequent. It features little-seen but high quality art from the nineties. Once I saw it, I knew I had to track this book down. This was not straightforward. Not only is this book only available in Czech, it is only available from Czech booksellers that only ship to Czechia. I managed to nab a copy off Rostislav Walica, so kudos to him. I now (maybe?)…

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Scaphognathus crassirostris © Gabriel Ugueto. Shared here with the artist's permission.

This Mesozoic Month: March 2018

This Mesozoic Month

What a fine paleontological month March turned out to be. I’d like to send massive thanks out to all of the paleontologists, preparators, museum workers, and other dauntless explorers and communicators of deep time who deliver us such amazing research and insight. Good job, everyone! Now let’s check out this Mesozoic month. In the News The US state of Arkansas’ state dinosaur has been officially published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology by ReBecca Hunt-Foster. Read an interview with Hunt-Foster…

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