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Vintage Dinosaur Art: Dinosaurium

Vintage Dinosaur Art

I check the copyright page, and I check it again. 1993? Really? Surely that can’t be true. Surely this book is at least fifteen years newer than that. But no. The proof is right there, undeniable, clear as day. What sorcery is this? Who stole a time machine? How is this book so good? That year again, that fateful year. 1993. The Year of the Dinosaur, according to ancient astrology that I made up. The deluge of dino books from…

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Vintage Dinosaur Art: Prehistoric Zoo

Vintage Dinosaur Art

So here’s a book that was sent to me by fellow Brit Mark Hollowell (thanks!) – some time ago, actually. I had meant to review it sooner – I’d scanned all the images and uploaded them and everything – but then a lot of Stuff happened. I mean, Doom Eternal came out, and once you’ve got a certain way through that, there’s simply nothing else you want to do with your time. But I digress. Here, at last, is Prehistoric…

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Vintage Dinosaur Art: What Is A Dinosaur – Part 1

Vintage Dinosaur Art

What Is A Dinosaur is a small, short book from 1961, in a series of “What Is It” books, explaining scientific concepts to children. It was illustrated by Maidi Wiebe and written by Daniel Q. Posin, a Chicago-based physicist and a well-known tevelvision personality in his time. Despite that pedigree, the book is your typical, child’s first rough guide to dinosaurs. We’ve seen dozens of books like this, of course. Small books for children, containing all the dinosaur factoids we’ve…

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Vintage Dinosaur Art: The Fantastic Dinosaur Adventure – Part 1

Vintage Dinosaur Art

Merry Christmas to you all! For the festive season, I decided to treat myself, as well as all of you fine, fine readers, to a very nostalgic book for me. I loved this book as a kid. In primary school I did a presentation on it. I never owned it, however, until now. So grab a hot cocoa as we take a trip down memory lane, and review some vintage dinosaur illustrations along the way. The Fantastic Dinosaur Adventure is…

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