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Attraction Review

Given Sam Bright’s excellent recent guest post on the Crystal Palace dinosaurs, it only seems fitting that we turn to another, more modern park full of full-scale life reconstructions of prehistoric beasts. Except, of course, this is firmly on the kitsch-o-saurus end of the scale, and there certainly won’t be a reference section at the end. Leave it to me to the lower the tone. What’s more, this is yet another example of me wallowing in childhood nostalgia. For I…

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Dinosaurs in the Wild – review

Attraction Review

According to a whizzy promotional website, the Greenwich Peninsula is a whole “new London”, incorporating all-new developments of unaffordable homes, office blocks, leisure facilities, the O2 (formerly the Millennium Dome), and a slightly silly cable car. It’s also a place where, until the end of July at least, you can travel instantaneously to Montana and back in time 67 million years. That’s right – having already visited Manchester and Birmingham, Dinosaurs in the Wild has moved to the Big Smoke.…

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Will The Real T. rex please stand up

TV review

Dinosaur documentaries on TV don’t always enjoy the best of reputations. The BBC’s latest effort, The Real T. rex (deciding how to italicise that is giving me a headache), received some unfortunate early notoriety in online-palaeo-nerd circles when an image of a CG model from the programme did the rounds, depicting a rather goofy-looking, Jeremy Clarkson-haired, Simpsons-overbite weirdo. This prompted a ‘remodel’ by Fred Wierum aka ‘Fred the Dinosaurman’, as shown below, which received its own share of criticism (dangly…

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