As every year, Marc, Natee and Gemma visited TetZooCon, Darren Naish’ big annual London event about animals, palaeontology, palaeoart and all things tetrapod. And this was a special edition indeed. Not only has this been the last ever edition of the Tetrapod Zoology Conference in its current form (more on which on the show) but we actually gave a talk this time! And what’s more, the talk has been recorded and is included in full on this very special, extra…
Tom van der Linden
Podcast Show Notes: Episode 14 – Zallinger Jr. and Greer Stothers
Podcast Show Notes February 4, 2022Slightly late but sure as rain comes the fourteenth episode of the world-famous Chasmosaurs Podcast! Natee, Marc and Niels dive into the Zallinger dynasty, as after covering Rudolph’s famous mural, this time we shine a light on his son Peter Zallinger. Natee interviews Greer Stothers, who has a book coming out called Kaleidoscope of Dinosaurs, a great title for a book. We also have a brief interview with Tom van der Linden, who may just have discovered a new dinosaur!…